Sunday, April 29, 2018

I Am Offered Screening Tests, why?

Different screening tests are offered at different times during pregnancy.  
It can be an ultrasound scan, blood test or history (clinical) based assessment. Screening is done to allow the obstetrician to categorize whether the pregnancy is at higher chance, or risk, of a problem or not.

The tests can help decide further tests and care or treatment during pregnancy or after the baby's born.  This means earlier, possibly more effective, treatment or informed decisions.   

Let's say, advanced maternal age or a history of diabetes in the family can put one at risk for high blood pressure (preeclampsia) or pregnancy related diabetes respectively.

Screening literally means recognizing people at risk. It cannot diagnose the problem. However, it can be give the signal for the need for further investigations. The downside of screening tests is it cannot detect all the conditions.  Screening tests do not give us a yes or no answer. In most scenarios, further definitive tests will be required to confirm the diagnosis.

It is very important to understand that the risk assessments are derived from population-based data and modified by the individual’s test results. Once should understand the concept and the obstetrician or Geneticist should explain this in-depth to avoid misconception.

It is all about you and your unborn baby's safety to assure a smooth journey through the pregnancy and giving both parents that peace of mind.

Dr. Afshin PourMirza, MD, PhD
Medical Director
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Feto Maternal Medicine Specialist

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