Human chromosomes have a defined number and structure. Any deviation from this is considered a chromosomal disorder.Genetic testing should be considered by those who are planning to conceive a child, especially if there is a family history of genetic disorders. It usually occurs during cell division, and can begin in the egg or sperm, or the embryo or be inherited from the parent.
Types of abnormalities:
Numerical chromosome abnormalities are more common, and if the deviation from normal karyotype is small, full term pregnancy can be supported. A few examples are the Down’s syndrome, Edward’s and Patau syndrome. Structural abnormalities can occur in various forms, with sections of chromosomes being added or deleted. Structural abnormalities are much more rare in occurrence.
At Feto Maternal & Genetyx Center, we offer various scans, invasive and non invasive tests, in addition to genetic tests performed in association with reputed laboratories in Germany and U.K.
Our Fetal Medicine Specialists performs the Nuchal Translucency Scan, as well as the CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling) and Amniocentesis invasive tests. We also offer the NIPT (Non Invasive Prenatal Test) which is ablood test, and tests for the three trisomies, Trisomy 13(Patau Syndrome), 18(Edward Syndrome) and 21 (Down Syndrome), along with consultation with the Medical Genetist.
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